Apply for any one of our funds

We offer investment solutions for diverse investment strategies. Whatever your current need or future goal, we can provide a suitable investment option. 

How it works

1. Browse our funds below

There is a fund for every kind of investor profile.


2. Select the funds you want

Start by selecting a fund and then completing the process.

3. Apply online

Follow this link to complete an online application form.


  • Interest-bearing income

    Fund  Minimum Disclosure Document 
    Absa Multi-Managed Bond Fund  MDD
    Absa Money Market Fund  MDD
    Absa Income Enhancer Fund  MDD
    Absa Bond Fund  MDD
    Absa Core Income Fund  MDD
    Absa US Dollar Income Fund  MDD
    Absa Sterling Income Fund  MDD
    Absa Euro Income Fund  MDD
    Absa Tactical Income Fund MDD
    Absa Flexible Income Fund MDD
  • Multi-asset – Low-equity (max 40%)

    Fund  Minimum Disclosure Document 
    Absa Multi-Managed Preserver Fund of Funds MDD
    Absa Smart Alpha Defensive Fund MDD
    Absa Absolute Fund MDD
    Absa Inflation Beater Fund MDD
    Absa Global Multi-Asset Feeder Fund MDD
  • Multi-asset – Medium-equity (max 60%)

    Fund Minimum Disclosure Document
    Absa Wealth Preserver Plus Fund   MDD
    Absa Multi-Managed Accumulation Fund of Funds   MDD
    Absa Balanced Fund  MDD
  • Multi-asset – High-equity (max 75%)

    Fund Minimum Disclosure Document
    Absa Multi-Managed Growth Fund of Funds   MDD
    Absa Prudential Fund of Funds   MDD
    Absa Multi-Managed Absolute Return Prudential Fund   MDD
    Absa Managed Fund   MDD
  • Equity

    Fund Minimum Disclosure Document
    Absa SA Core Equity Fund   MDD
    Absa Select Equity Fund   MDD
    Absa Smart Alpha Equity Fund   MDD
    Absa Multi-Managed Equity Fund   MDD
    Absa Global Core Equity Feeder Fund   MDD
    Absa Prime Equity Fund
    Absa Global Value Feeder Fund  MDD
    Absa Africa Equity Feeder Fund   MDD
  • Property

    Fund Minimum Disclosure Document
    Absa Smart Alpha Property Fund   MDD
    Absa Property Equity Fund   MDD
    Absa Global Property Feeder Fund   MDD
  • Regional

    Fund Minimum Disclosure Document
    Absa Africa Equity Feeder Fund   MDD
  • Offshore

    Fund Minimum Disclosure Documents
    Absa US Dollar Income Fund   MDD
    Absa Sterling Income Fund   MDD
    Absa Global Property Feeder Fund   MDD
    Absa Euro Income Fund   MDD
    Absa Global Multi-Asset Feeder Fund   MDD
    Absa Global Core Equity Feeder Fund   MDD
    Absa Global Value Feeder Fund   MDD

How to apply

1. Download our investment application form.

2. Complete the form and gather the required documentation.

3. Fax the documents to 0861 339 265 or email them to